Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I found a couple websites and threads/blogs that I really enjoy and wanted to share them with you all...

http://idworkout.id.funpic.de/skripts/stamina.html Tips for stamina

http://www.dance.net/topic/8145900/1/Irish-Technique-Training/Stamina-The-Collective-Brilliance-of-DDN.html&replies=13 More tips on stamina

http://www.dance.net/read.html?postid=7139083&replies=14&page=1 tips on everything.

http://www.dance.net/topic/7049483/1/Irish-Technique-Training/Jump-Rope-Workout.html Jump rope. I need to get one. I hope it helps me out a bit.

http://www.dance.net/topic/4648221/1/Irish-Technique-Training/The-Ultimate-Height-Lift-and-Hold-Guide.html Lift and hold in your jumps

http://www.dance.net/topic/7563287/1/Irish-Technique-Training/Warm-ups-drills-and-more.html&replies=3 warmups and drills.

Let me know how you like the sites! :) I have more that I like, they just didn't seem to help me that much, but maybe they'd help you...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard of 2010!!!

The picture is from my mom's work window. That is a four foot long icicle.

This is ridiculous! This is my dad trying to walk through the snow looking like an elephant. I had to mute the sound because my mom was on a conference call when I was recording, but how funny!!!!